In the bustling neighborhood of Northern Liberties lies a gem of a shop who's mission reads like my dream come true of a stockist, an owner with a tinge of wanderlust an eye for amazing artists and a real concern for the impact on our environment our consumerism has. The shop is Arcadia and the women who own and run the shop are real and the shop is packed with treasures new and old, art and clothing and jewelry and get this they actually boast a environmentally conscious travel agent on premises to organize trips for the ecologically minded traveller!
Currently they stock mostly jewelry and a few neck warmers...get there for Valentine's Day men! Check back after Sale season for more.
In our hometown of Collingswood, Yogawood has also started carrying the clothing collection for Spring, the wrap and the flower embellished shirts are there and more to come, Artemisia yoga bags are on their way as well. This collection lends itself to being at Yogawood, great layering pieces that can go from a yoga studio onto the street, ask for Beth she'll show you what's available or just go upstairs to their shop where Artemisia is featured on the wall as you walk up!! Currently available are these shirts featured at the right one long sleeve and one short as well as a new dusty pink wrap with inverted grey stitching at the seams. Yoga bags soon!!